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Benjamin Novak / orange3-hybridtrees
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Cedric Flageul / sml-scl
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyThe present project contains the data and source for the publication of C. Flageul and I. Tiselj called 'Impact of unresolved smaller scales on the scalar dissipation rate in direct numerical simulations of wall bounded flows'.
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This is a collection of observations and best practices identified so far for using the NSC cluster at Jožef Stefan Institute.
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In this project you will find the urdf files for the robot description that can be used by the robot_state_publisher for tf publishing. This project has dependencies to other projects, like the lwr_description, kit_head_description and barret_hand_de
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An script for installing flynn. Used https://gist.github.com/eduwass/c8c15b73329a0e9699c4 as a starting point.
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This is an example ROS package of a controller for the ros_control framework. The framework is used on E1 Talos robot and others. The branches represent learning examples using different hardware interfaces or their combinations.
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This is a copy of my github repo, but with additional, IMPORTANT, files that are larger than 50MB. Namely the discriminative trained model mat files
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A home for all the big files (e.g. word vectors) that are not suitable to be included in the repo together with the code. Usually these files are copied from the net.
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Cedric Flageul / convergence_rate
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyThe present project contains the data and source for the publication of C. Flageul and I. Tiselj called 'Convergence rate of individual and global quantities in Direct Numerical Simulations' and published as a letter in the journal Physics of Fluids.
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Cedric Flageul / CS-fluid-solid
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyThis project contains some LES results obtained during the collaboration on fluid-solid thermal coupling between EDF R&D and IJS.
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Python package for communicating with the duckling-http server, additionally it handles Slovene by using translation services.
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